Corte Madera (415)-927-9494 | Novato (415)-883-9353

HIIT Corte Madera

HIIT class will involve interval bursts of high-intensity conditioning and strength/building exercises… This involves work periods ranging from 30 seconds to 5 minutes, working between 80–100% of your maximum heart rate with shorter recovery periods… it will incorporate dumbbell, bands and body weight movements.

A HIIT workout does mean that you’re doing a cardio workout that includes short bursts of hard work, but the key is that during those bursts you’re exerting yourself at almost max effort, In between those intense intervals, you’re slowing down or resting for a short period in order to get ready for the next interval of effort. HIIT workouts can also be strength training and a Building workout, but the effort and speed with which you do the exercises makes the workout an intense workout hitting all the dualities.


Fill out the form to Get a 1 week free pass & training session

    Must reside in the area and be 22 years of age or older to be eligible for complimentary week trial



